Well, a small incident happened at workplace just a few days ago. It just happened without anyone knowing. A long rectangular table fell to the ground to my right with lots of bulky WSO files on the right side of the table. It probably is a case of overloading as I had minimal contact against the table with a pair of long legs. Luckily, noone was hurt during this incident as the files that were sent tumbling down off a side of the table landed on the floor. I am not sure if anything else will happen because a staff took picture of the scene with files all over on the floor. At least now I know that the files cannot be placed too near to the edge of the table with the metal legs seemingly looking not that strong afterall.
The new technology still has not been introduced to check in the attendance of the WSOs. I have been waiting for it for almost a month since the news of the barcode technology filtered through from my colleague to me. When is the trial run going to start, no one knows... I just hope that when it is introduced, scanning it will be a breeze and will reduce the time needed to 'mark' the attendance of the WSOs.
2019: Worst and best year of my life
5 years ago