I just renewed my challenger membership on 12 Oct. I wonder if it is a decision which I would not likely regret in future. It seems at the moment that I would regret renewing my membership especially since challenger did not refund my last membership fees which ended late last tear. Unless I utillize it and buy many IT stuffs in the coming year, I may regret renewing even though I had a free 4gb Sony flash drive worth $9.90 upon renewing membership this time round. So if i did not save $50 or more, I may collect a $40 rebate discount which I am not sure whether it is in the form of vouchers or cash. Sounds good isn't it? For a start maybe I will buy the upcoming new ipad. As for laptop, I may buy it later after windows 8 comes out. I also may buy a portable hard drive which I believe it will cost me only $100 or less for a 500gb one. What else shall I buy within the next 2 years to fully utilise my membership? Well, let me think about it whenever I am free.
As for work, I am pretty much doing the same routine things for the past few weeks. And for this month, I successfully submitted my salary claim up to 12Oct in time as for the past two months I submitted the claim late due to unforeseen circumstances. There is also a change in my supervisor soon which I am not sure when will it happens. I also yet to sign a contract and therefore will ask the current supervisor whether I need to sign one contract or not. Better still if dun need so that I can leave soon after finding a job. Hehe. Ok, looking forward to a new week soon and hope everyone of my friends is doing well at the moment. =)
2019: Worst and best year of my life
5 years ago