Sunday, September 25, 2011

Coping with workload

It has been a busy week for me. Just extracting WSOs from a thousand odd pile of big size folder (roughly double the size of A4) is exhausting work for a person in a week. Each outlet has one WSO, hence a thousand odd accounts for the outlets islandwide. It is quite tedious and is a manual task. From extracting to keying in computer excel file plus stamping a received stamp, it all requires some patience and speed to complete this task. What a week it has been for me as i did not handle that many DNs as compared to my first week. All week long it has been WSO, tiring manual work indeed. Every 2 - 3 weeks, it will be my turn handling the WSOs. I sometimes hope WSOs can be a monthly routine instead of it being currently weekly routine. Haha, guess that won't be possible anytime soon though.

Had 2 lunch outside my work area for the past week. Food is so so but the nice part is getting to travel in a colleague car to places like toa payoh hub and circuit road hawker centre. Also had a small buffet lunch in office on friday which is so so though. It only means I get to save a meal worth of money. Anyway, hope to look forward to more lunch outings in weeks to come.


Noel said...

good to know that you are doing okay, jia you! i am confident you will transit into your job very smoothly :)

SuperDad said...

I like to lunch with friends too. It is the best time for to vent so and unhappiness. Good to know you are progressing well. About the TNs ? It will take time for you to do it faster; just keep improving the process. A faster way is to ask an experience colleague.

My journal said...

Each job has its pros and cons. We can learn to be more productive while we are performing our tasks=p

Precish said...

Thanks for all the concerns. I believe I will do well in my job as time passes... =)