Sunday, November 27, 2011

OT in the week ahead?

Last sunday(20.11.2011), I attended a neighbour's wedding dinner at goodwood park hotel. The food was great as I liked the prawn dipped in wasabi sauce the best. What I dislike most is the long delay before the first dish is served. Together with the videos shown before first dish is served, it just make me hungrier. I attended the wedding dinner with my parents and we received keychains as souvenirs. It was a pleasant day as it ends at 11.10pm. Home sweet home as my parents and me rode a direct bus from scotts road back to my home.

Everything at work is normal as only sometimes I am asked to search for backdated WSOs from as long as August. It is a tedious task to search for August WSOs as the WSOs is sorted by chains and not by batches. Luckily, not everyday do I need to search for long back dated WSOs. Sometimes, original copy is wanted instead of photocopy. But anyway, photocopy is still required whether it is given to the sales rep or kept in WSO box.

For next week wednesday onwards, I may need to work OT. This is because my colleague is going for a holiday and I am required to stand in for her duties. My workload is going to get more, but I am treating this as a new learning experience. My challenge is to do as many tasks as I can, so as not to disrupt the workflow before my colleague returns. Hopefully everything goes smoothly enough in the coming week.


Noel said...

keep up your positive work attitude! I'm sure you'd do very well :)

Precish said...

Thx for ur encouragement. =)