Sunday, March 31, 2013

Candy crush frenzy?

3 days ago, I cleared lvl 275 on the candy crush game. It is quite fun with the challenge to overcome the various obstacles presented on each level. Some levels are hard while there are some which are relatively easy. So while waiting for the update to more levels for this game, I now play certain levels to get higher score. Almost every other day, I saw people playing this game on their hp inside mrt trains. Looks like it is rather popular huh? Oh well it seems I will be playing this game throughout this year and maybe next year if there are still updates.

Lately, I found out there is this temp who earns $1.7k in another dept. I wonder if it is related to the nature of his work. I think next month I got to ask if I can earn a higher allowance since I worked there for so long. If not successful, I think before end of this year, I may start to look for jobs allowing me to earn a higher pay. I dunno how long my dad will be working cos he told me he got eye problems. Looks like I got to start earning a decent salary as my dad is retiring soon. But am I going to continue working in the admin industry? or other industry? I got to find out myself what I really want to do. Resume my studies or officially starting to work? Looks like I got to think through these issues carefully... ...

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