Saturday, October 08, 2011

Busy week indeed

So fast... Another week has passed and its weekend again. This time I experienced keying in date arrived for nearly 2000 pcs of WSO sheets. Plus all the stamping of date received, it is quite exhausting indeed. Maybe it takes some time to get used to this manual job. I believe I am coping well though as I managed to key finish about 200 batches of WSO sheets. As each batch is about 10 WSO sheets, that roughly accumulates to about 2000 pcs. At the end of keying in the dates in excel and stamping dates received, to some extent, I do feel a little satisfied.

With more time handling WSOs, I hope that I can pick up some much needed speed. Sometimes, I wonder if an introduction of technology can help reduce my workload. But then again, my company probably won't need temps like me if there isn't much things to do in the first place.